Sunday, April 20, 2014

The External Journey

Due to my Journey in Literature class, I had the opportunity of creating a blog to work on during the whole semester. My blog is inspired on my external journeys in relation to the topics studied in class. 

I chose to name my blog “Wander Rather than Yonder” because many times we walk around and don’t get lost in the beauty of what we are seeing. Instead, we tend to be very superficial. In fact, I also chose a quote that directly relates to my blogs name. “Sometimes when you lose your way, you find yourself.” by Mandy Hale. I associate myself with this quote because there are times when I always follow the path without realising that in many occasions what makes me happy is not what is designated in a road. 

Throughout the semester I wrote about ten entries on topics such as education, tourism, and traveling. Even though there are many posts, my favorite was “The Day I Stopped Being a Tourist”. I enjoyed writing this entry because it was a very fun experience becoming a traveler in my own home. In this task, I was able to wander rather than yonder through El Yunque, and I recommend everyone to take a day and do the same. 

The end of the semester is approaching, but without a doubt I can say that it has helped me very much to work on this blog. My writing skills have improved. It is easier for me to write essays at a faster pase and to express my thoughts in an adequate manner. Although it started as an assignment, it became a vehicle for me to analyse and explore my external journey. Evidently, I recommend everyone to begin a blog because it is an easy way to express one’s external journey.


  1. I really like the way your blog title complements with the content of the blog. It is interesting to me, that this blog did actually helped us to gain more writing skills and a more critical thinking about topics discussed in class.

  2. Very Creative blog. The blog activity helped me to improve my writing skills. A very good activity.

  3. This blog is one of my favorites, you're very creative and a good writer.

  4. Like you, my writing skills have improve thank you to the blogs. Nice external journey. I hope to read more from you.
