Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Day I Stopped Being a Tourist

Nineteen years. That’s how long it took me to visit one of the most significant places of the island I was born in, Puerto Rico. Sad to say that it took a Literature class for me to do so since the class was assigned to spend a day as a tourist. On March 14, 2014, I stepped on El Yunque for the first time and embarked on a journey that opened my eyes to what it means to be a sightseer in my own island.

That day I woke up at seven in the morning to get my backpack ready. I packed a camera, extra clothes, and enough food to get through the trip. Then, about at 8:30, I rented a Jeep in order to live the whole tourist experience. I cruised all the way from San Juan to Rio Grande. Since I'm not very good with directions, I stopped a couple of times to ask which was the right way, just like a tourist would, and received very polite answers from everyone that I asked. Despite my constant stopping, the ride was pleasant since the sun was warm yet the wind made it bearable. It was like that for about forty minutes until I finally arrived at El Yunque. 

I was a long way up, and I was getting a bit tired and nauseous. Typically, I would've turned around and gone home, but I sucked it up and kept going. When I finally got there, I faced another tedious task, finding where to leave my rented vehicle. After another twenty minutes of looking for a parking spot, I squeezed in between two minivans. I left my car and proceeded to follow a group of people who seemed to be familiar with the area. Not a long walk after, I took out my camera and snapped a few shots of what looked to me like a lot of very similar trees. But then, I saw it. I understood why so many people like to travel from many places of the island into the magical rainforest. There was a beautiful fall, Coca Fall, they just emanated freshness, nature, and peace. I found myself absorbing its beauty until the thought of taking a picture took over me, common tourist reaction. 

After some time in the cold waters of the Coca Fall, I got hungry and decided to go for a walk to a near food place. I wandered a bit and suddenly smelled the alcapurrias and bacalaitos. I ordered my food in English and was pleasantly attended by one of the cooks. Also, I ordered a coconut, typical Puerto Rican fruit, which I ate as a dessert. While eating the coconut, one of the cooks sat beside me and began to ask me about my experience on the island and suggested other places I should visit.

March 14 became a day I would never forget; the day I stopped being a tourist and becamee a traveler. Even though it took a class for me to go to El Yunque, it was an amazing experience and I got to learn a part of my island which I nearly had any knowledge of. For the first time, I sat and wandered my view through the finest details of a place I visited. I examined the smell, touch, sight, and sounds of the rainforest. This made me be more proud of the island I live in because i acknowledged how beautiful it is, but it also made me aware of how much more I have to visit of my home.


  1. Nice blog, I hope to continue enjoying all your journeys

  2. This is the best of all your blogs. I literally enjoyed every line that I was reading. I have never been in El Yunque and it's sad T___T it seems to be an awesome place. I'm looking forward to go now!

  3. I really liked your pictures! You seem to have really enjoyed every moment. It was a very descriptive post and I really liked reading it. I agree that this is one of the most intriguing posts of yours! Really great post!

  4. I'm so glad that you could experience going to El Yunque for the first time. You are officially a traveler in your own island and not pretended to be a tourist.!
    I recently went to El Yunque, I had no proper clothes, no backpack because it as an improvised roadtrip with a few friends. But the expore to nature is mote than enough.

  5. I went to El Yunque when I was 13 years old. A very unique experience. Good for you!
